Thursday, 29 October 2015

Yes, Another Delay for the Math Check In

The match check in will take place on Tuesday. It's low stakes, so no stress! Ask for help if you are not fully understanding patterns. 

Room 17 Standard Rubric

In case you missed it, our classroom rubric is up under the Resources tab. Closely aligned with the progress report outcomes and indicators, this rubric forms the base for all assessment in Room 17. 

Click here to have a look. 

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Pizza Lunch, Halloween Howl, and Math Check In

Tomorrow (Wednesday) is Pizza Lunch. Choir will be meeting as well.

Thursday is the Halloween Howl. All Grade 5 and 6 students are asked to dress like zombies for their bit in the assembly.

We were going to have a math check in on patterns (quiz-ish) on Wednesday, but we are postponing it until Thursday.

Also, if any parents would like to volunteer for our last day at Stampede School (Monday, November 9), please let me know. We will need 7 adults there in order to do what the kids have planned.


Friday, 23 October 2015

Stampede School Projects

Yesterday, the kids started working on developing plans for their Stampede School projects. Parents, ask your kids about their plans!


Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Bowness Park

We will be spending tomorrow at Bowness Park, so prepare like you did for Stampede School (layers, food, water bottle). 

Room 17 does not have any volunteers. We are lucky that the other two 5/6 classes have enough volunteers to satisfy the adult-to-child ratio for the entire group. Without those volunteers, we would not be able to take part. 

Monday, 19 October 2015

Student Vote

The Student Vote results are in! Check them out here: 


Practice your timetables for ten minutes five times per week. Check under the Resources tab for some practice suggestions.  

Also, ABR -- always be reading (for 30 minutes three times per week). 

Get on it :D

Election 2015!

Don't forget to tune into the federal election results. Because there is no media blackout, we get to see what's happening back east well before bedtime.

Also, #gojaysgo 


Friday, 16 October 2015

For Next Week

Stampede School was an excellent experience, and we're ready to start planning for our final day (Monday, November 9). But, on to the next thing(s). 

  • Monday, October 19 is election day. Not only will we find out who will be our prime minister, but we will also see how our Student Vote results compare to the grown up results. 

  • On Tuesday, October 20, all of the Grade 5/6 classes will be celebrating the end of harvest with the Harvest Hoe Down. There will be food, games, and a bit of dancing, as well. Big, big thanks to Leanne Cripps for planning and arranging the garden, harvest, and celebration.

  • We are going on a walking field trip to Bowness Park on Wednesday, October 21. In order to go, we require two adult volunteers. I know Stampede School has hit our pool of volunteers hard, but if anyone is free to accompany us to the park on Wednesday, please shoot me an email.

  • Thursday, October 22 is picture day. Remember to pack your smile :)

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Pizza Lunch!

There will be a Pizza Lunch on Wednesday, October 28. The order forms will be going home on Friday—money and forms are due October 22. 

Also, check out the Stampede School pics under the Stampede School tab!


Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Stampede School So Far...

Room 17 and guests (parent volunteers) are having an absolutely wonderful time at Stampede School. Click on the "Stampede School" tab to see a bit of what we've been up to. 


Thursday, 8 October 2015

Stampede School Volunteers

I have sent home a note for our Stampede School volunteers. Please ask your student about it!


Today, we converted our measurement of the school field (which we painstakingly took last week—three times to ensure the validity of our data) into acres, and then used a grouping strategy to figure out how many times our school field would fit into Stampede Park. It was challenging, but fun. 

This task reminded us that our times tables are fundamental to all types of math. Please ensure that you are practicing at home. Parents, please work on this with your kids!


Monday, 5 October 2015

Times Tables

Although I do not assign homework specifically, I encourage students to work on their times tables (up to 12) at home. Multiplication facts are the foundation of math going forward, and it is imperative that students know them inside and out, without having to think about the answers. 

You can do Mad Minutes, make or print out flash cards, or play games online. Practice the times tables a couple of times a week, and you will soon notice the benefits in all areas of math. 

Reminder: Stampede School

If you have not returned the paperwork and/or money ($48 cheque or exact cash), please do so tomorrow. Get in touch with me or Mr. Rakowski if you are facing financial difficulties. No student will be denied the experience because of funds, but students who do not return their Acknowledgment of Risk and Medical forms will not be able to attend. 

Friday, 2 October 2015

Letter From the Board of Trustees

Parents, please read the following letter from the Board of Trustees.

Thursday, 1 October 2015


Although Room 17 will never be assigned this specifically as homework (kids only bring home work if they are wasting time in class), there are a few things all kids should look into at home to expand their points of view. 

  • read for 30 minutes at least three times per week (read anything—novels, graphic novels, the newspaper, etc.)
  • practice your basic facts in math (times tables up to 12, especially)
  • read the news (I've put links to three major local networks under the Resources tab)
  • learn a new language (Duolingo—link is under Resources tab—is a fun and free program or app which gamifies language learning)