Friday, 11 December 2015

December 14 to 17

  • 30 minutes of reading (silent or partner) at least 3 times per week
  • 10 minutes of basic fact work (times tables!) at least 3 times per week—we are seeing the value in knowing times tables up to 10 right now!

This week:
  • Please remember to bring in non-perishable food items for the Mayor's Food Drive.
  • Carol singing assembly on Monday, December 14
  • Carol singing/choir assembly on Wednesday, December 16
  • Choir concert on Wednesday, December 16 at 7 pm
  • Carol singing assembly on Thursday, December 17
  • Room 17 will be having a holiday celebration on Thursday, December 17. Anyone who would like to bring a treat for the class may do so. 
  • Non-Instructional on Friday, December 18 (no school for students!)
  • We will be tying up loose ends before the Winter Break, work-wise. In addition to all of the school and class holiday celebrations, we will continue to work on multiplying decimals (grocery list project), we will present our extreme weather projects, and we will finish our Stampede School Film Festival. 
Next week:

  • Winter Break! (classes resume on Monday, January 4, 2016)

Ask Me About:
  • The upstairs neighbours who will be joining BelPark in 2016. 

Monday, 7 December 2015

December 7 to 11

  • 30 minutes of reading (silent or partner) at least 3 times per week
  • 10 minutes of basic fact work (times tables!) at least 3 times per week—we are seeing the value in knowing times tables up to 10 right now!

This week:
  • Please remember to bring in change or non-perishable food items for the Mayor's Food Drive.
  • Choir field trip on Friday, December 11. 
  • ROARS assembly on Friday, December 11. 
  • Outdoor Ed with Mr. Kelba on Friday, December 11. 
  • Click here for the multiplication sheet we were working on today (as a review before we head back into our grocery list project). 

Next week:

  • No school on Friday, December 18.
  • Please bring change or non-perishable food items for the Mayor's Food Drive. 
  • We will have several carol singing assemblies and other assorted holiday celebrations. 

Ask Me About:
  • How to do multiplication using the Napier's Bones procedure. 

Here is a better Borax crystal time lapse:

Monday, 30 November 2015

November 30 to December 3


  • 30 minutes of reading (silent or partner) at least 3 times per week
  • 10 minutes of basic fact work (times tables!) at least 3 times per week

This week:
  • Wednesday, December 2 is the deadline for ordering pictures. 
  • 3-On-3 Intramural (basketball) happens on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. If you signed up, check the schedule for your day.
  • We are continuing to work on research project on extreme weather-related events (hurricanes, tornados, floods, tsunamis, etc.), and we have started our math project which involves wishful grocery shopping. 
  • This Friday is a non-instructional day (no school!).   

Next week:

  • Choir field trip on Friday, December 11.
  • Outdoor Ed with Mr. Kelba on Friday, December 11.
  • Please bring in money or non-perishable food for the Mayor's Food Drive. 

Ask Me About:
  • How snowflakes are formed and what shape they all have in common.

How to Make Borax Crystal Ornaments (with an adult!)

You will need: Borax detergent (the green box), pipe cleaners, string, a pencil or stick, and a container (500 ml Mason jar), food colouring (optional)

  1. make a shape out of pipe cleaners—keep the width to 4 cm or less so that your ornament doesn't get stuck in the jar after the crystals grow
  2. tie a string around the shape so that it can be suspended in the Borax solution
  3. boil 4 cups of water
  4. pour some Borax into your container (a Mason jar works well) and add hot water; the ratio of 1 part Borax to 2-3 parts water should do the trick
  5. stir until most of the Borax is dissolved
  6. suspend your pipe cleaner shape in the solution—you can tie the string to the stick or pencil to keep the shape from touching the sides or bottom of the container
  7. let your ornament sit until the pipe cleaner is coated in crystals
*** If this doesn't work for you, try increasing the amount of Borax.

Thursday, 19 November 2015

November 23 to 27


  • 30 minutes of reading (silent or partner) at least 3 times per week
  • 10 minutes of basic fact work (times tables!) at least 3 times per week

This week:
  • Paperwork for our field trip to the Circle of Nations Museum on Wednesday, November 25 is due Monday, November 23. 
  • Field trip to the Circle of Nations Museum on Wednesday, November 25. 
  • 3-On-3 Intramural (basketball) starts on Tuesday. Let me know if you are interested in playing, but haven't yet signed up. 
  • We will not be sharing our Stampede School Projects at some point this week, because some groups aren't yet finished.
  • We have started a new research project on extreme weather-related events (hurricanes, tornados, floods, tsunamis, etc.), and we will be starting a math project which involves wishful grocery shopping. 
  • This Friday is an early dismissal.   

Next week:

  • No school December 4 (PD Day).

Ask Me About:
  • How to use evaporation to collect clean drinking water from salt water or other . . . liquids ;)

Thursday, 12 November 2015

November 16 to 20


  • 30 minutes of reading (silent or partner) at least 3 times per week
  • 10 minutes of basic fact work (times tables!) at least 3 times per week

This week:
  • In-class visit from Barbra Horsefall from the Circle of Nations Museum at Kingsland Centre on Wednesday, November 18. 
  • Paperwork for our field trip to the Circle of Nations Museum on Wednesday, November 25 will go home (no payment required). 
  • Learning conferences take place on Thursday from 4 pm to 8 pm and on Friday from 8 am to 1 pm. You can book here.

Next week:

Ask Me About:
  • Our practice lockdown.
  • My Stampede School project. 
  • How to solve for a variable in a single-step equation.
  • Playing 3-on-3 without overhead passes. 

Single-Variable Equation Practice

For those of you who want a bit more practice working with variables, here are a few equations to try. Your job is to figure out what the letter ("n") equals, but you must show your work, even if you can solve these in your head. 

  1. n - 7 = 5
  2. n + 4 = 16
  3. n - 3 = 11 
  4. n x 5 = 15

Remember, your equation is like a teeter-totter, so whatever you do to one side you must also do to the other.

New Style for Updates

In keeping with the other 5/6 classes, starting next week, I will be creating a weekly update which I will modify as needed throughout the week. That way, all of the need-to-know info for parents and students will be in one place. Please make sure to check back daily or every couple of days, as the info will be modified when needed.

I will also be including a weekly "ask me about" prompt (or several) to facilitate discussions at home about what we do at school.

Friday, 6 November 2015

Reminder: Field Trip Monday

It looks like Monday will be cold in the morning, and cool in the afternoon. This means layers, toques, gloves, boots, and all that. Also, bring a good lunch with lots of snacks. And a water bottle. 

Monday, 2 November 2015

Stampede School Projects -- Outline

We are approaching our last day at Stampede Park, and the kids have been busily working on their Stampede School Projects. The link for the project outline is under the Stampede School tab, but if you haven't seen it yet, check it out here

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Yes, Another Delay for the Math Check In

The match check in will take place on Tuesday. It's low stakes, so no stress! Ask for help if you are not fully understanding patterns. 

Room 17 Standard Rubric

In case you missed it, our classroom rubric is up under the Resources tab. Closely aligned with the progress report outcomes and indicators, this rubric forms the base for all assessment in Room 17. 

Click here to have a look. 

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Pizza Lunch, Halloween Howl, and Math Check In

Tomorrow (Wednesday) is Pizza Lunch. Choir will be meeting as well.

Thursday is the Halloween Howl. All Grade 5 and 6 students are asked to dress like zombies for their bit in the assembly.

We were going to have a math check in on patterns (quiz-ish) on Wednesday, but we are postponing it until Thursday.

Also, if any parents would like to volunteer for our last day at Stampede School (Monday, November 9), please let me know. We will need 7 adults there in order to do what the kids have planned.


Friday, 23 October 2015

Stampede School Projects

Yesterday, the kids started working on developing plans for their Stampede School projects. Parents, ask your kids about their plans!


Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Bowness Park

We will be spending tomorrow at Bowness Park, so prepare like you did for Stampede School (layers, food, water bottle). 

Room 17 does not have any volunteers. We are lucky that the other two 5/6 classes have enough volunteers to satisfy the adult-to-child ratio for the entire group. Without those volunteers, we would not be able to take part. 

Monday, 19 October 2015

Student Vote

The Student Vote results are in! Check them out here: 


Practice your timetables for ten minutes five times per week. Check under the Resources tab for some practice suggestions.  

Also, ABR -- always be reading (for 30 minutes three times per week). 

Get on it :D

Election 2015!

Don't forget to tune into the federal election results. Because there is no media blackout, we get to see what's happening back east well before bedtime.

Also, #gojaysgo 


Friday, 16 October 2015

For Next Week

Stampede School was an excellent experience, and we're ready to start planning for our final day (Monday, November 9). But, on to the next thing(s). 

  • Monday, October 19 is election day. Not only will we find out who will be our prime minister, but we will also see how our Student Vote results compare to the grown up results. 

  • On Tuesday, October 20, all of the Grade 5/6 classes will be celebrating the end of harvest with the Harvest Hoe Down. There will be food, games, and a bit of dancing, as well. Big, big thanks to Leanne Cripps for planning and arranging the garden, harvest, and celebration.

  • We are going on a walking field trip to Bowness Park on Wednesday, October 21. In order to go, we require two adult volunteers. I know Stampede School has hit our pool of volunteers hard, but if anyone is free to accompany us to the park on Wednesday, please shoot me an email.

  • Thursday, October 22 is picture day. Remember to pack your smile :)

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Pizza Lunch!

There will be a Pizza Lunch on Wednesday, October 28. The order forms will be going home on Friday—money and forms are due October 22. 

Also, check out the Stampede School pics under the Stampede School tab!


Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Stampede School So Far...

Room 17 and guests (parent volunteers) are having an absolutely wonderful time at Stampede School. Click on the "Stampede School" tab to see a bit of what we've been up to. 


Thursday, 8 October 2015

Stampede School Volunteers

I have sent home a note for our Stampede School volunteers. Please ask your student about it!


Today, we converted our measurement of the school field (which we painstakingly took last week—three times to ensure the validity of our data) into acres, and then used a grouping strategy to figure out how many times our school field would fit into Stampede Park. It was challenging, but fun. 

This task reminded us that our times tables are fundamental to all types of math. Please ensure that you are practicing at home. Parents, please work on this with your kids!


Monday, 5 October 2015

Times Tables

Although I do not assign homework specifically, I encourage students to work on their times tables (up to 12) at home. Multiplication facts are the foundation of math going forward, and it is imperative that students know them inside and out, without having to think about the answers. 

You can do Mad Minutes, make or print out flash cards, or play games online. Practice the times tables a couple of times a week, and you will soon notice the benefits in all areas of math. 

Reminder: Stampede School

If you have not returned the paperwork and/or money ($48 cheque or exact cash), please do so tomorrow. Get in touch with me or Mr. Rakowski if you are facing financial difficulties. No student will be denied the experience because of funds, but students who do not return their Acknowledgment of Risk and Medical forms will not be able to attend. 

Friday, 2 October 2015

Letter From the Board of Trustees

Parents, please read the following letter from the Board of Trustees.

Thursday, 1 October 2015


Although Room 17 will never be assigned this specifically as homework (kids only bring home work if they are wasting time in class), there are a few things all kids should look into at home to expand their points of view. 

  • read for 30 minutes at least three times per week (read anything—novels, graphic novels, the newspaper, etc.)
  • practice your basic facts in math (times tables up to 12, especially)
  • read the news (I've put links to three major local networks under the Resources tab)
  • learn a new language (Duolingo—link is under Resources tab—is a fun and free program or app which gamifies language learning)

Monday, 28 September 2015

Stampede School

Finally, the paperwork for Stampede School is coming home today! There is a letter (on either orange or blue paper), and the Acknowledgment of Risk/Medical forms (on white paper). Please keep the letter at home for your reference—it contains specifics regarding our itinerary, as well as important information about preparing for Stampede School. 

The cost for the entire five days is $48 per student. No student will be denied this opportunity, so if the cost is an issue, please get in touch with me or the office and we will sort something out.

Please have the forms and payment returned no later than next Tuesday, October 6.   

Friday, 25 September 2015

Global Calgary

On Tuesday, Jordan Witzel and others from Global Calgary will be filming at Belvedere Parkway. Yesterday, a media consent and release form went home with the kids (it's blue). Kids who return the signed forms may end up on the broadcast (no guarantees). If you do not want your child to appear on television, no worries—all students will be part of the presentation, but only those with the media consent and release will be eligible to be filmed. 

Stampede School paperwork should be coming home on Monday. Just as a heads up, the cost for the entire five days—including transportation and all programming—will be $48.00 per student. 


Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Fish Creek and Conferences

This Thursday, we are heading to Fish Creek Park. Our group will be outside in the morning, so please make sure to dress appropriately. You can always put your warm stuff in your backpack for the afternoon—better to have more layers than not. Also, bring a big lunch with a couple of good snacks. Clothing-wise, this field trip will be good practice for Stampede School, which is coming up very quickly.

Paperwork for Stampede School will be heading home soon—keep an eye out for it. 

The Parent Fundraising Association will be holding a bottle drive during conferences this Thursday and Friday. Please bring in your bottles to support field trips, etc. 


Wednesday, 16 September 2015


So many things are coming up . . .

  • Thursday, September 24 is our field trip to Fish Creek Park.
  • Next Thursday (24) and Friday (25) are parent-teacher-student conferences. Book your slot here.  
  • Both Student Vote and Stampede School will take place the week of October 13. 

A few kids are missing forms and/or money for the upcoming field trip to Fish Creek Park. Please have it in as soon as possible. 

Parents/guardians, ask your kids about their Stampede School groups and topics!


Tuesday, 15 September 2015


We talked about the Syrian refugee crisis in class today, and a number of students were interested in learning more about the Kurdi family—especially, they were interested in reading about 3-year-old Alan Kurdi. Because of the sensitive nature of some of the information and images, I am leaving up to parents/guardians to decide if they want to look at this case with their children. 

Monday, 14 September 2015

Start-Up Forms and Fish Creek Park

A letter about the BOKS programme went home today. Please return the completed form as soon as possible in order to secure a spot. 

This is a gentle reminder to all students who have not yet returned their start-up paperwork—please get it in! That also goes for the forms and $11.35 for our upcoming field trip to Fish Creek Park next Thursday. Parents, we have one volunteer, but we need one more. Get in touch if you'd like to come along!


Friday, 11 September 2015

Upcoming Parent Council Meeting

Please be advised that the Parent Council Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, September 15 will take place in the BelPark Library at 7:00 pm, not at the earlier time which appeared in the newsletter. 

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Volunteers Needed for Fish Creek Park

Please let me know if you will be able to accompany us to Fish Creek Park on Thursday, September 24. We only need a couple of volunteers for this field trip—if you're interested and available, get in touch!

Thanks! :)

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Upcoming Events

We have a field trip to Bow Valley Ranch Centre at Fish Creek Park coming up on Thursday, September 24. Please keep an eye out for paperwork today. Also, if you haven't submitted the start-up paperwork which went home last week, please do so as soon as possible. 

Thank you to those parents who have indicated they will be available to join us at Stampede School. To any other interested parents—if you can come along just one day, that will be fabulous. Please send me an email if you have any questions or concerns. I will be sending home paperwork in the next couple of weeks. 

Kids, tell your parents about Cowboys Don't Cry! Parents, ask your kids about last week's orienteering session. 


Friday, 4 September 2015

Paperwork, Paperwork, Paperwork

We've sent home a tonne of paperwork today. Parents/guardians, please keep an eye out for the SUTP coupon book fundraiser information pack, the start-up BelPark paperwork pack, and a letter about volunteering at Stampede School.

Aside from that, have a great weekend, and I will see you on Tuesday!


Thursday, 3 September 2015

For Friday, September 4

This is a quick reminder that tomorrow is a full-day Friday, so bring a regular lunch with snacks and all that. Also, we will be orienteering in the school field tomorrow afternoon, rain or shine. Dress for the weather!


Volunteers required!

Parents, we have a one-day field trip to Fish Creek Park planned for Thursday, September 24 (which is also day one of our first round of parent-teacher-student conferences). We will need at least 2 volunteers that day. Please let me know as soon as possible if you are available and interested—if you do not have an up-to-date police security check with the CBE, we will need to get on that right away.

Also, from Monday, October 13 to Friday, October 16 and on Monday, November 9, our class will be attending Stampede School. For each of those days, we will require 5 volunteers. If you will be able to join us for any or all of those dates, please get in touch as soon as possible (so we can look into security clearances, etc.). In order for the program to operate successfully, it is imperative that we have 5 volunteers per day. Besides, other than 10-day Stampede in July, when else would you spend the day roaming around Stampede Park?

Please, get in touch! :)

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Wednesday, September 2

Please find a time at least three times a week to sit down somewhere comfortable and read a book. You can read by yourself or you can read with someone else—just make sure you're reading (something in English). 

Parents, please check the "Stampede School" tab for information on our upcoming visit there. Any one who might be interested in volunteering for one or more days is encouraged to get in touch to look into security checks and all that.


Friday, 28 August 2015


After two months of waiting and dreaming, it's finally here: the first day of school! This little website will replace last year's—please ask your parents to update their bookmarks.
