Thursday, 3 September 2015

Volunteers required!

Parents, we have a one-day field trip to Fish Creek Park planned for Thursday, September 24 (which is also day one of our first round of parent-teacher-student conferences). We will need at least 2 volunteers that day. Please let me know as soon as possible if you are available and interested—if you do not have an up-to-date police security check with the CBE, we will need to get on that right away.

Also, from Monday, October 13 to Friday, October 16 and on Monday, November 9, our class will be attending Stampede School. For each of those days, we will require 5 volunteers. If you will be able to join us for any or all of those dates, please get in touch as soon as possible (so we can look into security clearances, etc.). In order for the program to operate successfully, it is imperative that we have 5 volunteers per day. Besides, other than 10-day Stampede in July, when else would you spend the day roaming around Stampede Park?

Please, get in touch! :)