Tuesday, 21 June 2016

June 20 to 24

On Thursday, June 23 at 10:00 am, there will be a farewell assembly for our Grade 6 students, as well as staff who are moving on. After the assembly, Grade 6 parents are welcome to attend a farewell BBQ at Bowness Park. 

Grade 5/6 students, their teachers, and Grade 6 parents will have the opportunity to have a BBQ lunch (hot dogs, sandwiches, chips, juice boxes, and dessert), as well as play games with their classmates and parents. 

This Week:

  • Last week of school before summer break!
  • Grade 6 Social Studies PAT is on Monday, June 20 from 9-11 am. 
  • BelPark's Got Talent will take place on Monday, June 20 and Tuesday, June 21 from 1 to 2 pm. 
  • Grade 6 Farewell/ School Farewell takes place at 10 am on Thursday, June 23. 
  • Grade 5/6 BBQ at Bowness Park will take place on Thursday, June 23. 
  • Grade 5/6 Fun Swim at Foothills Pool will take place on Friday, June 24. It's an early dismissal day. 

Monday, 13 June 2016

June 13 to 17

Homework—Must Do
  • 30 minutes of reading (silent or partner) at least 3 times per week
  • 10 minutes of basic fact work (times tables!) at least 3 times per week

***Please note that the invitation which went home with Grade 6 students said the farewell will take place on Tuesday, June 23. Actually, the farewell will take place on Thursday, June 23. 

On Thursday, June 23 at 10:00 there will be a farewell assembly for our grade 6 students, as well as staff who are moving on. After the assembly, Grade 6 parents are welcome to attend a farewell BBQ at Bowness Park. 
Grade 5/6 students, their teachers, and Grade 6 parents will have the opportunity to have a BBQ lunch (hot dogs, sandwiches, chips, juice boxes, and dessert), as well as play games with their classmates and parents. 

As part of our electricity unit, the kids are to record the kWhs on your home's energy meter for seven days in a row. Please assist them in completing this task at home. Click here to see the booklet the students are working on (the meter reading information is on page 8). 

This week: 
  • Pizza Lunch is Tuesday, June 14. 
  • Electricity booklets are due on Wednesday, June 15. All parts must be completed.
  • Grade 6 LA PAT Part B is on Wednesday, June 15 from 9-11 am. 
  • Grade 6 Math PAT is on Thursday, June 16 from 9-11 am. 
  • Grade 6 Science PAT is on Friday, June 17 from 9-11 am. 
  • Forms for the Fun Swim will be going home this week. Volunteers required! (Just to hang out and watch the kids from the sidelines—volunteers do not need to swim with the kids).  
  • Friday is an full day. 
Next week:
  • Last week of school before summer break!
  • Grade 6 Social Studies PAT is on Monday, June 20 from 9-11 am. 
  • BelPark's Got Talent will take place on Monday, June 20 and Tuesday, June 21 from 1 to 2 pm. 
  • Grade 6 Farewell/ School Farewell takes place at 10 am on Thursday, June 23. 
  • Grade 5/6 BBQ at Bowness Park will take place on Thursday, June 23. 
  • Grade 5/6 Fun Swim at Foothills Pool will take place on Friday, June 24. It's an early dismissal day. 

Ask Me:
  • Transformations in Math. What's a slide? What's a flip?

Friday, 3 June 2016

June 6 to 10

*URGENT: Casino volunteers required for BelPark's upcoming casino. We are in need of chiprunner for the Sunday night shift (7:15 pm  to 3:30 am), and several backups (Saturday day, Saturday night, Sunday day, and Sunday night. Click here for more information.  

Homework—Must Do
  • 30 minutes of reading (silent or partner) at least 3 times per week
  • 10 minutes of basic fact work (times tables!) at least 3 times per week

As part of our electricity unit, the kids are to record the kWhs on your home's energy meter for seven days in a row. Please assist them in completing this task at home. Click here to see the booklet the students are working on (the meter reading information is on page 8). 

This week:
  • Tuesday, June 7 is Bike to School Day. Click here for more information.  
  • Pizza Lunch forms are due back on Thursday, June 9. 
  • Friday is an early dismissal. 
  • BelPark's casino night is Saturday, June 10. 

Next week:
  • Pizza lunch is Tuesday, June 14.
  • Grade 6 LA PAT Part B is on Wednesday, June 15 from 9-11 am. 
  • Grade 6 Math PAT is on Thursday, June 16 from 9-11 am. 
  • Grade 6 Science PAT is on Friday, June 17 from 9-11 am. 

Ask Me:
  • Let me ask you about the fuse box. Can you show it to me? Can I flick a switch or two?