Friday, 3 June 2016

June 6 to 10

*URGENT: Casino volunteers required for BelPark's upcoming casino. We are in need of chiprunner for the Sunday night shift (7:15 pm  to 3:30 am), and several backups (Saturday day, Saturday night, Sunday day, and Sunday night. Click here for more information.  

Homework—Must Do
  • 30 minutes of reading (silent or partner) at least 3 times per week
  • 10 minutes of basic fact work (times tables!) at least 3 times per week

As part of our electricity unit, the kids are to record the kWhs on your home's energy meter for seven days in a row. Please assist them in completing this task at home. Click here to see the booklet the students are working on (the meter reading information is on page 8). 

This week:
  • Tuesday, June 7 is Bike to School Day. Click here for more information.  
  • Pizza Lunch forms are due back on Thursday, June 9. 
  • Friday is an early dismissal. 
  • BelPark's casino night is Saturday, June 10. 

Next week:
  • Pizza lunch is Tuesday, June 14.
  • Grade 6 LA PAT Part B is on Wednesday, June 15 from 9-11 am. 
  • Grade 6 Math PAT is on Thursday, June 16 from 9-11 am. 
  • Grade 6 Science PAT is on Friday, June 17 from 9-11 am. 

Ask Me:
  • Let me ask you about the fuse box. Can you show it to me? Can I flick a switch or two?