Monday, 20 March 2017

March 20 to 24

Upcoming Field Trips:
  • Monday, June 26, 2017: Cross Conservation Area

If you are able to volunteer for any of the above field trips, please let me know!

This Week:
  • The kids will starting their Rube Goldberg machines this week. They are welcome to bring supplies as needed on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. 
  • Tuesday is Fan Day. Dress to reflect things you like. 
  • Wednesday and Thursday are Student-Led Conferences. Please make sure to have your child along with you, as he or she will lead the conference (not a sit down with teachers). 
  • There is no school for students on Thursday or Friday (Spring Break). 

Next Week:
  • School resumes on Monday, April 3. 

School Maker Faire will take place at TELUS Spark! from 5:30 to 8:30 pm on May 10.